domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015

Lu Pei's Dream (陆霈的梦想)

Created by / Create By: Biggt
Year / Year: 2011
Platform / Platform: Windows
Created with / Engine: ???
Gender / Genre: Surreal
Source / Origin: ???
Translation / Translation: ---

This game is not an RPG Indie (or a game created with RPG Maker) but occasionally I like to vary with other games are different. 
Controls: Bar / Down Arrow: Actions. Up Arrow: Jump.

A girl is in a strange place, your dream. A place to experience strange situations.

Finals: 1 Final
Game time: 5 minutes

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The game is originally in Chinese, but it is not necessary to know Chinese to play since it only has a few words. 
- The only thing is that probably the end ocuparas see as are the number of 1 to 10 in Chinese.

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